Caturday Cat Facts #4

Photo Credit: Pixabay (CC0 Public Domain)

Photo Credit: Pixabay (CC0 Public Domain)

CAT TALK:  Kittens meow to communicate with their mothers. Once they get older, cats communicate with each other by hissing, purring, and growling. A cat meows to communicate with humans. [1}

WAITING FOR KITTY:  The average gestation period (length of pregnancy) for a cat is around 9 weeks. [2]

MOODY HUMANS:  Cats are adept in sensing a human’s mood and feelings. Over time, cats learn the ability to read non-verbal cues such as human facial expressions and emotional gestures. [3]

LIKE FRESH:  The ideal temperature for your cat’s food is 38°C (100°F), which is the same as the temperature that his prey would be in the wild. [4]

GESUNDHEIT:  People with an allergy to cats are actually allergic to a protein in a cat’s saliva. [4]




[1] "Cat Excessive Meowing and Yowling: Why Cats Meow." WebMD. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.
[2] Hines, Ronald. "The Stages of Feline Labor - When Your Cat Gives Birth." The Stages of Feline Labor - When Your Cat Gives Birth. Hines, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.
[3] Wylie, Robin. "Your Cat Can Pick up on How You Are Feeling." BBC. BBC, 14 Oct. 2015. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.
[4] Halls, Vicky. "Section 1." The Secret Life of Your Cat: Unlock the Mysteries of Your Pet's Behavior. Richmond Hill, Ont.: Firefly, 2010. 17. Print.

Posted on January 29, 2016 and filed under Articles, Caturday Cat Facts.